Dr. R.C. Wells Biography
Dr. R.C. Wells, International Evangelist and Minister Emeritus of the Church of Christ in Harlem, considers himself supremely and sincerely blessed by God to have been granted the privilege of experiencing and fulfilling his lifelong dreams: first, of being an evangelist of Jesus, the Christ: a Gospel preacher; and second, of traveling around the world. Becoming a member at the age of nine, Dr. R. C. Wells began his ministerial preaching career as an adolescent at the age of ten at his home town congregation, the Eighth Street Church of Christ, in Waco, Texas. Dr. Wells is an educational product of the Waco Public School segregated system, having attended South Waco Public School and A. J. Moore where he was a member of the National Honor Society of American Schools. In his ninth year of school, he was privileged to become a student at the Nashville Christian Institute in Nashville, Tennessee under the unique and special tutelage of the renowned Dr. Marshall Keeble, then President of the unprecedented African American Christian School. Unfortunately, Dr. Wells did not graduate from Nashville Christian Institute, he returned home due to illness in order to give much needed support to his mother and to assist his family. He thereby graduated from A. J. High School in Waco, Texas.
Dr. R.C. Wells’ advanced educational dossier consists of many schools of matriculation, in religion and theology. He holds six advanced academic degrees: AA; BRE; BTH; MRE; MTH and THD from the following schools:
- Southwestern Christian College
- Midwestern Theological Seminary
- Temple Theological Seminary
In addition to these, he holds three honorary DD degrees, additionally, he has studied law at the Paralegal Institute, the Blackstone School of Law, and the Atlanta Law School and did an apprenticeship with the firm of Hill and Hill in Harlem, New York City, New York.
He is the founder, President and CEO of the Christian Bible Institute in New York City, which was originally created to assist local persons interested in and committed to preaching the Gospel of Christ, in becoming faithful teachers in local congregations, in becoming successful personal workers, or in improving their scriptural knowledge of God’s Word so as to be “Strong in the Lord:” sharing, living and growing in God’s grace.
He is “set for the defense of the Gospel of Christ.” He has consistently and repeatedly in his teaching, preaching and writing, made it irrefutably clear that he is not “ashamed of the Gospel of Christ:” he is willing to say it; he is willing to preach it; he is willing to write it; he is willing to publicly debate it; willing to suffer for it; and willing, if need be, to die for it.
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