Monthly Archives: August 2016


Dr. R.C. Wells Biography

Dr. R.C. Wells Biography Dr. R.C. Wells, International Evangelist and Minister Emeritus of the Church of Christ in Harlem, considers himself supremely and sincerely blessed by God to have been granted the privilege of experiencing and fulfilling his lifelong dreams: first, of being an evangelist of Jesus, the Christ: a Gospel preacher; [...]

By | August 3rd, 2016|Biography|0 Comments

Dr. O.J. Shabazz Biography

Dr. O.J. Shabazz Biography Dr. Shabazz is currently the evangelist to the Harlem Church of Christ in New York City, New York, where he has served for the past Thirteen years. He is recognized as a national evangelist to the Churches of Christ, having preached the gospel in thirty-eight states and three [...]

By | August 3rd, 2016|Biography|0 Comments